Modänderung Juli

  • TFAR

    New Pre-release 296
    Fixed first radio displayName was "radio index" instead of "radio 1"
    Fixed Respawn EH potentially running before actual respawn
    Don't show own plugin version on left side of the TFAR status display in Teamspeak
    Added warning if ingame name is too short for Teamspeak
    Added option to move to TFAR channel even while tabbed out
    Added global radio range coefficient setting
    More precise max errorLevel (Teamspeak would throw errors about errorLevel being out of bounds)
    Fixed incorrect default settings for personal radio types
    Added 3 more Intercom channels (Will be made configurable later)
    Added intercom ducking (Volume lowering on incoming radio transmission)
    Increased pluginTimeout maximum to 15 seconds
    Reset corpse spectator mode on respawn (@NeilZar)
    Optimize processPlayerPositions (@NeilZar)
    Added warning in singleplayer when pressing additional transmit button (Already had it for SR Transmit but none of the others)
    Fixed TFAR blocking hotkeys (Would for example block Zeus Z key so that you had to use Shift+Z. TFAR now doesn't block any keys anymore)