HLC MOD - veraltet

  • Der HLC Mod wird ersetzt, da dieser nicht mehr unterstützt wird. Qualitativ ändert sich da nichts, da der Nachfolger vom gleichen Author stammt:


    NIArms Core is the central core to the weapons sets released by me. It contains mostly shared resources like magazine icons, some material templates and textures, sounds, etc. It's required to run any hlc prefixed mod/pbo file. Why? Because some mods are going to share resources and that's just how it is. It contains ALL the animation gestures for the NIArms mods, so if you're using them for another mod, you'll need this for those too. Figure this is a better way to do it than to have them all in separate PBOs, and thus a pain in the nutsack to huntdown. Core will update with every pack going forth so be sure to check back here and get the latest version from time to time.

    Zur Info - Kein DL bitte, erfolgt über Repro. Danke